Hot Tub Time Machine – It’s literally a hot tub time machine

This film has a dumb title in the same vein as The 40 Year Old Virgin which was a hilarious and fun film. This one works in a similar way. It has a lot of ridiculous over the top gross-out humor combined with good story.

We have 3 friends, Lou (Rob Cordury), Adam (John Cusack) and Nick (Craig Robinson). Lou is an insecure bastard who treats his friends terribly, but they’re all he’s got. Adam and Nick have both strayed from the group of friends because they became committed to a job or a relationship. They all come back together when it seems that Lou has attempted to commit suicide (I’ll let you see the film to see how this happens).

In order to help Lou they decide to go to the the ski resort they used to frequent in their high school days and they take Adam’s nephew along. The guys with nephew in tow arrive and realize the place is run down and a shadow of its former self. They decide to make the best of it and jump in the hot tub. After a huge alcohol and drug binge they wake up and it’s 1986 and it’s all due to the hot tub (time machine?). They’re suddenly in their 17/18 year old bodies (seen in a mirror ala Quantum Leap). What follows is a hilarious trip through 1986 where the guys must decide if they should do the same things they did or if they should change things up.

The story is actually touching and interesting. The gross out gags are well timed. By the end of the film I cared about all these characters, even Lou (Rob Cordury). My sides actually hurt from laughing at some points.

A solid 3 stars ***


Director – Steve Pink

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