X-Men: First Class – A First Class Comic Book Adaptation

X-Men: First Class is a well made somewhat direct prequel to the increasingly lackluster X-Men films. This is the origin story of how Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr respectively became the noble mutant Professor X and the evil mutant Magneto.

The story begins in a Nazi prison camp and shows us how the young Erik Lensherr who can control metal was mentally scarred by the killing of his mother at the hands of a cruel and mysterious man.

During the 1960s we join Erik’s quest to avenge his mother’s death which brings him in contact with Charles Xavier (a telepath) who becomes his close friend. Together with the CIA these two begin to collect a group of specially powered humans (mutants).

The strengths of this film can be attributed to the tight script, wonderful acting, superb special effects and great use of ambient soundtrack.

There is careful attention paid to the scenes and dialogue of the characters. The characters’ motivations are expertly depicted and the lead characters are memorable and important to the film’s conclusion. The agony and anger of Erik Lensherr and his eventual turning to a dark path are well contrasted with the story of Charles Xavier’s posh upbringing and his positive outlook upon humanity.

The two lead actors Michael Fassbender (Erik Lensherr) and James McAvoy (Charles Xavier) are excellent and believable. They bring a sense of life to these comic book character that is very relate-able and a breath of fresh air from the usual silly comic book adaptations. Kevin Bacon plays the villain Sebastian Shaw with a perfected malevolence. The supporting cast is also amazing.

The special effects ranging from super-powers to a massive missile attack are very well executed and lend to the magic of the story. The soundtrack is a minimalist and dark guitar-based affair that lends itself well to the strange and disturbing idea of war between humans and mutants.

Overall this was an excellent film.

4 Stars ****


Director: Matthew Vaughn